Hello and Welcome, my name is Keryn Shields and I’m the “Psychic Traveller.”
I’ve been travelling with my husband throughout our beautiful country delivering Psychic Readings and Workshops for many years. I visit Country towns delivering Readings in our 23foot Caravan “Rosie.” I have a prepared a beautiful private area for you to relax and listen to spirits messages, to receive guidance from the Angels and Guides.
About me.
I was raised in a strict Catholic family and as a very young girl experienced many unexplained things. It was unheard of to discuss, and was all in my imagination, or so I was told. Every night I slept with the light on and prayed to my Angels and God, to lovingly guide and protect me. I blocked my ability to speak and connect with spirit through intense fear; those were tough times, especially through adolescence.
It wasn’t until I married and my own children grew into their teens my attention was again sparked back into the world of Spirit. Times had changed and now there were many Spiritual Teachers and books circulating. I began reading “Dr Wayne Dyer’s” books and Shirley Mclean. I learned how to heal that frightened little child inside of me who was too young to understand. The flood doors opened, my guides worked behind the scenes guiding me to attend meditation groups. They helped me to become aware and wake up.
20years ahead and I still attend workshops, learning, connecting and teaching. I have met some amazing, wonderful people and I’m so grateful that I have always been guided to exactly whom, to get that next step. Peeling back the onion layer, feeling freedom, empowering myself with courage to leave conventional work and start my own spiritual business.
I signed up with Hay House which is a publishing company foundered by Louise Hay. I regularly received emails with up and coming events from overseas Spiritual Teachers. In 2010 I attended and became a Certified Angel Intuitive by “Doreen Virtue,” in Noosa. This was a profound experience that changed my life. Four days of working with high vibrational energy, meditating and connecting with my Angels and Guides in a room of over 500 people. In 2011 I revisited and attended again another 4 day workshop with Doreen, becoming a double Angel Intuitive….
I first met “Sonia Choquette” in 2010 when I attended her “Six Sensory” Practitioner’s course. I was in the Commonwealth bank queue when a lady out of nowhere asked if I’d heard of Sonia Choquette. That she was amazing, and she was attending her 3 day workshop in Melbourne at the end of the year. I found this bizarre, but was intrigued. My Angels and Guides were busy placing me in the right place at the right time to receive these powerful messages. I went home, googled her, and booked my flight. Sonia’s energy was explosive, we danced raising our vibration, and we formed groups where we shared guided
information through various forms of meditation. We were taught powerful tools to connect deeper with Spirit, tools Sonia gathered over her 50years as a Psychic/Clairvoyant.
In 2011 Sonia returned to Australia where I attended her 3 day “Ask Your Guides” Workshop in Melbourne. As with her first workshop there were 100 participants, working with us one on one. We went deeper learning of our many different guides, connecting, communicating and supporting us.
Dr Brian Weiss is another amazing teacher; I attended a 1 day workshop with him as an introduction to Past Lives. Then a few years later I experienced a 3 day workshop with him at Noosa sponsored by Hay House. Dr Brian Weiss is a prominent Psychiatrist and chairman on many boards and was a huge sceptic in the field of Spirit and reincarnation. Until one day Catherine came to his practise, she changed his life. You can read his “Many Lives Many Masters” book which will explain her story. Dr Weiss travels the world now sharing his knowledge on Past Life experiences; he shared his amazing gifts of meditations and relaxation to teach us how to deepen and experience information of our past lives.
Ian White founder of the “Australian Bush Flower Essences” has channelled the flower essences to help support us in our emotional, physical and mental bodies. Ian is a well renowned Naturopath, 5th generation Herbalist and Kinesioligist. These flower essences are safe for all and are self-adjusting. I have attended many of Ian’s wonderful workshops and am now a practitioner. Travelling I see many of our flowers in their natural environment; these flowers have been used by our indigenous friends for hundreds of years for healing. I incorporate these essences into my readings for clients that may require gentle support. They are administered by way of spray, cream or drop formulas. Flower essences have supported me for over 12years healing my body, mind and spirit naturally.
August 2015 found me in the audience of my mentor “Dr Wayne Dyer” in Brisbane, in one of his last public appearances. I was enthralled and amazed at his beautiful connection with us all, like he was speaking especially to me. His spirit was childlike and innocent and yet so learned a wise soul. He shared for us to never stop living our life with passion, to break out of any fear that maybe holding us back from fulfilling our dharma. After all the books and lectures I’ve listened too, this one was so special. I thank again my guides for placing me in exactly the right place at the right time to experience the energy of this amazing teacher. Sadly later that week on the Saturday he passed at the age of 75 back in Maui. But as Wayne would teach, there is no Sadness and no separation, just a different perspective, and now he has the ear to all….thankyou Wayne….
2016 saw me travel to Kunnunurra Western Australia, delivering readings to this small township. I received guidance to go… we travelled 10,000klms through outback Queensland delivering readings and workshops, taking 5months.
2017 we are preparing to revisit our existing clients and to take our travels further to new country towns throughout Australia.
Interested in Readings and inspiring Workshops, send me a message to visit your country town.