Feeling at home in Rosie

Woodgate Beach Qld

Qld and NT Border

Farm stay outside of Roma, been raining and this beautiful rainbow appeared

Roma farm stay magnificent sunset

Lake Argyle Kunnurra WA

Boab Tree called the Prison Tree. Story is that these huge Boab trees were where prisoners were detained situated in WA

Close up on the Boab Tree are these amazing spiders. Bit creepy at first as I didn't notice it while I was hugging the tree. I backed off quick when I saw how many there were

The Boab tree flower one of our Australian Bush flower essences. Above is the huge hut that grows

Outside of Winton Qld where Dinasaur bones are being found and preserved

A small Boab nut with furry cover

This little lizard was outside our van, he was so well camouflaged

Mt Isa signs pointing everywhere

Gateway to the Gulf

Richmond QLD start of the Dinosaur trail. These funny bins are everywhere

Found this sign at a creek crossing coming from Clermont to Saphire Qld, on our return the Kettle was missing....lol